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Thank you for taking the time to review our polices and terms.​​


Screenwriting Staffing is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. We have implemented a variety of security and privacy measures to maintain the safety of your information. 




Screenwriting Staffing is a registered and protected trademark. This site or any part of this site may not be reproduced, republished, duplicated, copied, or sold without written consent. Doing so may have legal implications. 


For your safety and ours, comprehensive checks are done weekly to verify our leads are not being 

exploited for any commercial purpose. Exploiting our leads may result in legal action. Checks on whether username and passwords are being shared or abused are also checked.


​WHAT INFORMATION DO WE COLLECT? The information we collect about you (only when you sign up for a membership or one of our paid services) include: your name, email address, and IP. When paying for one of our services we do NOT have access to any of your billing information. All transactions are done via PAY PAL, and your credit card info is not supplied to us. Depending on your Pay Pal settings, your address may be listed in the receipt sent to us. We do not require an address to sign up. At anytime you can unsubscribe from either FREE or PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP. Not sure how? Email us at


DO WE USE COOKIES? While I'll system is pretty basic, we do use Google Analytics. Overall, Google Analytics helps us provide you with a better website, by allowing us to monitor which pages you find useful and which ones you do not. We have no way of tracking the person on the page (usually it shows city, state, country). A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you. You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies. 


WHAT ABOUT LINKS TO OTHER SITES? Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to OUR website so when you CLICK on another site, please read their policy. Links to other sites are listed on our site to 1) provide further info on the industry pro posting with us, or 2) are advertisements to other sites that offer screenwriting services.


WHAT ARE YOUR RIGHTS? You have the right to request a copy of the information that we have about you. If you would like a copy of your personal information we have on you, please email us at:




Statement of Confidentiality: The contents of our PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP PRIVATE page are confidential and are intended solely for paying premium members. The information may also be legally privileged. Authorizing this page without consent is strictly prohibited. Sharing these leads with friends, colleagues, or competitors will result in a lifetime ban of our site, partner sites, and may result in further legal actions.


Submission Policy: 1) Writer should only submit (both FREE and PREMIUM) if they fit the requirements penned out by the industry pro. If SS receives several complaints concerning a writer due to their irrelevant submissions, SS reserves the right to remove the writer from the site without refund. 2) Please tell each lead Screenwriting Staffing (or "SS") sent you. This can be in the header, start of the email, very end -- anywhere. 3) Do not show up at the employer's office or call them. All submissions should be done via email (or submission form). 4) It is understood that breaking this trust may result in the loss of an industry pro posting with us in the future. Therefore, writer understands they will be banned permanently. 5) Screenwriters should only send a copyrighted screenplay to the industry producer or buyer in the event they request to read for the purpose of optioning, purchasing, producing, or using as a sample for an assignment.


Promotion & Exposure. We encourage new industry pros by promoting our success stories. Thus, it's important for us (and you) that if you find success via our site that you share it with us. This will also offer you added exposure (through email, social media, articles, etc), which has resulted in more success stories for the writer. So we kindly ask that if you option or sell a script, land a job, land representation, or make a connection through our leads, you notify us by email:


Reoccurring Payments & Refunds. If you sign up for Premium Membership, you are automatically enrolled in reoccurring payments. If you do not wish to continue your membership, you must cancel reoccurring payments on your PayPal dashboard or Stripe Dashboard (depending on which one you paid with). You can access this link on your SS membership profile. Not sure how? Reach out to us -- we will be happy to help. A FULL refund will be given out if the writer has not received the promised service in a reasonable time. Those who sign up for month-to-month have 24 hours to cancel and get a refund. Once the private page has been accessed, a refund can not be given. Those who sign up for a year have 3 weeks to cancel (1 month, at full price, will be deducted from year refund).


FOR INDUSTRY PROFESSIONALS: Our site was created in order for industry pros to find screenwriters and scripts. When filling out our writer or script search submission form, you grant us permission to share your search with our writers. It is not meant for you to promote any fee-for-services (whether film or not film-related). Using our services for anything outside of collaborating and/or hiring a screenwriter or buying/optioning a script is strictly prohibited. In order to entice top caliber screenwriters we promote success stories; therefore, you agree to inform us of any new developments or deals with our writers. The only information we collect from you is your full name and email. We share this information with our writers so they can properly submit to you. Links to your work(s) may also be shared (when applicable) so they can accurately gauge if their project and style are a right fit. If at anytime you wish to have your search removed or frozen, you can do so by emailing


WARRANTIES OR LIABILITIES. Screenwriting Staffing makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation, content, and materials included on our site. You agree to use this site at your sole risk. We strictly advise all writers to copyright their scripts with The Library of Congress just like we advise all of our industry pros to not accept projects that are unprotected. We reserve the right to change or delete any information at any time. While we do our best to vet every single lead that comes through, we make no promises on the accuracy of the leads. Screenwriting Staffing will not be held liable for any damages arsing from the use of our site.


OUR PROMISE: Our goal is simple: to create success stories, one screenwriter at a time. We do our very best to facilitate as many opportunities as possible for screenwriters and producers on a daily basis. Our top priority is your success and satisfaction. It takes all of us to build a safe and positive film community. We are always open to thoughts, comments, concerns, complaints, and praises:


CHANGES TO OUR PRIVATE POLICY? If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will update the Privacy Policy modification date below. This policy was last modified on August 4th, 2020.


Thank you for your continued support!


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