sell your script with a logline

Posting your logline with Screenwriting Staffing is an easy way to get your screenplay noticed by industry professionals looking for their next project. Our logline pages are browsed by companies, producers, and agents on a regular basis. This is a great way to get your script in the hands of decision-makers!
You only have to post your logline once. It's ONLY a onetime fee. You will never have to renew your logline. Premium Members may submit logline(s) free of charge on our 'members only' private page.
Our rating system allows industry professionals to quickly identify which loglines are strongest and weakest.
​We accept loglines for the following: Features, Shorts, TV Pilots. We do NOT accept: Ideas, Stage Plays,
Treatments, Manuscripts. You MUST be the author (or official representative) of the script.
Q: Do I need to copyright my work prior to submitting?
A: Titles and Loglines, unfortunately, can not be copyrighted. Scripts, however, can. We highly encourage you, whether you are using our site or another site, to protect your script prior to submitting anywhere. We suggest using Library of Congress or WGAW.
Q: May I edit my logline once submitted?
A: Yes, you may EDIT your logline up to three times. Email us.
Q: My logline was submitted back in 2013 and doesn’t show up unless you scroll at the very bottom. How do I get more views and likes?
A: Be sure to share our link and your logline via twitter, facebook, and other social networks. Spread the word to friends, family, and film lovers in general. You may also resubmit your logline (plus payment) to move to the top.
Q: My screenplay has been optioned or produced since posting my logline. How do I get it removed?
A: First, congrats! Great news. Second, all you have to do is e-mail us and we will immediately remove it.
Q: It’s been 72 hours and my logline is still not live on the site… why?
A: 9 times out of 10 it’s because you did not follow the directions. Loglines will not be accepted unless the logline form is submitted correctly. You can also email us.
Q: My logline is getting poor ratings... what can I do?
A: We have a plethora of resources for you! 1 year premium members get logline assistance. You can also use our query letter service, which provides you with 5 new loglines.
Q: Just to reiterate, if my logline is already up on the site, I do NOT have to repay?
A: Correct! You are all squared away! If you would like to submit another logline, and you are NOT a premium member, then yes, you will need to pay the small processing fee.